Hi welcome to the guide of How Instructors will Upload Quiz in Sikhkshan. As a new instructor you might face the issue of how to upload quiz at once in bulk. Don't worry! Sikhkshan is there to help you. Step 1: Open GOOGLE PLAYSTORE in your Phone and type, "GOOGLE SHEETS" Install the application in your Phone. Step 2: Click here to Download this sample mcq question file in your device. It will help you to upload multiple choice questions in bulk. Open this file in Google Sheets Step 3: Now you have to do nothing but some copy paste work. See the questions and it's four options in second column. You just have to Paste your MCQs in it and rest will be remain the same. Step 4: Now write down the MCQs in a paper and take a pic of it. Step 5: Now open the image with Google Photos. Choose the "LENS" option and copy the text. Step 6: Step 1: Step 1: Step 1: