Tips to Memorize English Vocabulary for SSC CGL Vocabs PDF Download 2024


As you all know SSC CGL (Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level) exam is one of the most competitive exams in India. A strong command of English vocabulary is very important for students to succeed in the SSC CGL exam. In this article, we are providing a list of essential vocabulary words, along with tips to memorize and remember them for the SSC CGL exam.

Importance of Vocabulary in the SSC CGL Exam

The English language section of SSC CGL tests your ability to understand and use words accurately. So it would be best if you had a good vocabulary study that can significantly boost your synonyms, antonyms, idioms, phrases, and comprehension score.

Also Read: SSC CGL की तैयारी के लिए कितने घंटे की पढ़ाई आवश्यक है 2024

Tips to Memorize Vocabulary for SSC CGL

Here are some insanely effective tips to memorize vocabulary:

1.  Explain Vocabs to Others

To memorize vocabulary you should try the teaching method. So what you have to do is that you need to explain vocabularies and their meanings to a friend, family member, or study partner. Even if you don’t find anyone just imagine you are addressing a whole class. You will come to know that your mind starts memorizing vocabulary more efficiently.

2. Sentence Making

Start making sentences using vocabulary. Try to make those sentences that you actually relate to or that happened to you. By this method you will start relating to that vocabulary and a better understanding of the meaning of that vocabulary will develop in your mind.

diagram image showing tips to memorize vocabulary for ssc cgl

3. Daily Revision

Daily revision is very important to keep anything memorized for a long period of time. According to the daily revision method first, fix a number of vocabularies you are going to memorize daily. Next day when you are going to study the same topic, before remembering new vocabs revise all of them you remembered yesterday. Next day repeat the same method and revise the vocabs you remembered yesterday and the day before yesterday.

This method will never let you forget and after a certain period, you will find out your vocabulary getting stronger.

4. Read Regularly

Reading is very important to get familiar with new words. Read newspapers, magazines, and books to encounter new words in context. The Hindu, The Indian Express, and novels are great sources. Reading newspapers will help you in two ways: first, your vocabulary will be stronger, and second your current affairs part will also be covered which is an important part of the SSC CGL syllabus.

Other than that Watch movies, and TV shows, or listen to podcasts. Pay attention to how new vocabularies are being used in conversations and narrative contexts.

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5. Practice Synonyms and Antonyms

Start understanding synonyms and antonyms of the vocabularies. It will help you remember words better and prepare you for questions in the exam.

6. Mock Test

Mock tests are super necessary for any exam. Attempt online or offline mock tests of vocabularies. Tests help you to clear the confusion and create a solid understanding.

Top Vocabs Asked in the SSC CGL Exam: Download PDF

Here are some key vocabulary words that frequently appear in SSC CGL exams:

image with text written essential vocabulary words for ssc cgl
AbateTo reduce in intensity
AbridgeTo shorten or condense
CandidTruthful and straightforward
DeftSkillful and quick in movement
ElucidateTo make clear or explain
FurtiveSecretive or sneaky
GregariousSociable, enjoying the company of others
HaplessUnfortunate or unlucky
ImpetuousActing quickly without thought or care
JuxtaposeTo place side by side for comparison
KeenSharp or eager
LethargicSluggish, lacking energy
MendaciousNot truthful, lying
NefariousWicked or criminal
ObfuscateTo confuse or make unclear
PalpableAble to be touched or felt; obvious
QuixoticExtremely idealistic, unrealistic
RancorBitterness or resentment
SardonicGrimly mocking or cynical
TaciturnReserved or uncommunicative
UbiquitousPresent everywhere
VacillateTo waver between different opinions or actions
WaneTo decrease in size, extent, or degree
XenophobiaDislike of or prejudice against people from other countries
YieldTo produce or provide
ZealousEnthusiastic and eager
AcrimoniousAngry and bitter
BlatantDone openly and unashamedly
CircumspectCautious and prudent
DerideTo mock or ridicule
EbullientCheerful and full of energy
FacileToo simplistic or easy
GalvanizeTo shock or excite into action
HaughtyArrogantly superior and disdainful
ImmaculatePerfectly clean or neat
JadedTired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm
KudosPraise and honor received for an achievement
LamentTo express sorrow or regret
MaladroitClumsy or awkward
NebulousVague, unclear
OnerousBurdensome, involving heavy obligations
PerniciousHaving a harmful effect
QuagmireA difficult situation
RecalcitrantStubbornly resistant to authority
StalwartLoyal, reliable, and hardworking
TrepidationA feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen
UnscathedWithout suffering any injury or damage
VindicateTo clear someone of blame or suspicion
WistfulHaving a feeling of vague or regretful longing
XericContaining little moisture; very dry
YearnTo have an intense longing for something
ZephyrA gentle breeze
ArduousInvolving a lot of effort and difficulty
BenevolentWell-meaning and kindly
Capricious sudden changes in mood or behavior
DebilitateTo make someone weak
EmpathyThe ability to understand and share the feelings of another
FrugalEconomical, avoiding waste
GuileSly or cunning intelligence
HeresyA belief contrary to orthodox religious doctrine
InexorableImpossible to stop or prevent
JubilantFeeling or expressing great happiness
KnaveryDishonest or unscrupulous behavior
LugubriousLooking or sounding sad and dismal
MunificentMore generous than is usual or necessary
NadirThe lowest point
OstentatiousDesigned to impress or attract notice
PugnaciousEager or quick to argue or fight
QuerulousComplaining in a petulant or whining manner
RaucousMaking a disturbingly harsh and loud noise
SagaciousWise, showing good judgment
TenuousVery weak or slight
UndulateTo move in a wave-like manner
VexTo annoy or worry someone
WaneTo decrease in size, extent, or degree
XenialRelating to hospitality, especially between host and guest
YieldingGiving way under pressure
ZanyAmusingly unconventional or idiosyncratic
AuspiciousConducive to success; favorable
BanalSo lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
CajoleTo persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing
DisparageTo regard or represent as being of little worth
EruditeHaving or showing great knowledge or learning
FutileIncapable of producing any useful result
GarrulousExcessively talkative
HindranceA thing that provides resistance or delay
InfallibleIncapable of making mistakes or being wrong
JuxtapositionThe fact of two things being seen or placed close together
KineticRelating to or resulting from motion
LethargyA lack of energy and enthusiasm
MisanthropeA person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society
NostalgiaA sentimental longing for the past
ObsoleteNo longer produced or used; out of date
ParagonA person or thing regarded as a perfect example
QuintessentialRepresenting the most perfect or typical example
ResilientAble to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions
SuperfluousUnnecessary, especially through being more than enough
TruncateNo longer produced or used; out of-date
UbiquitousPresent, appearing, or found everywhere
VoraciousHaving a very eager approach to an activity

This table includes a top most asked vocabularies that will help you enhance your English skills for SSC CGL exam. These are just a few examples. You need to build a strong vocabulary stock. For this, you need to learn consistently and revise.

Practice Makes Perfect

Finally, practice is a crucial part. Take mock tests, solve previous years’ question papers, and regularly attempt quizzes to test your vocabulary knowledge. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll become.


Increasing English vocabulary stock is essential for excelling English section of the SSC CGL exam. By focusing on frequently asked words, understanding idioms and phrases, and regularly practicing, you can significantly improve your chances of scoring high in the English section. Stay consistent, and make vocabulary learning a daily habit.

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